“Japanese language education” specialized for employment in hotels and ryokans

Develop human resources who can play an active role in Japan by acquiring N2 level Japanese conversation skills and the communication skills and manners required in Japanese business situations.

One Year Course For Employment


  • Feature1

    The shortest course of 1 year

    TIEI’s course is one year. While most other schools take 2 years, TIEI allows students to acquire the N2 level Japanese language skills necessary for employment in a short period of time.

  • Feature2

    Specialized career support

    In addition to Japanese language education necessary for employment, students participate in seminars and extra curricular activities to help them find employment. Students can learn how to adapt to working in Japan.

  • Feature3

    Internship Program

    Our school offers internship programs at various hotels and ryokans throughout Japan. Students can gain experience as a member of society in Japan.

Annual Schedule

  • April Admission

    April April Entrance Ceremony, Hotel tour, New student exchange party
    May Disaster prevention experience, Extracurricular lessons
    June Barbecue
    July Tanabata Festival
    August Summer vacation
    October Halloween
    November Field Trip
    December Health Checkup, Christmas, Winter Vacation
    January New Year’s Day
    February Setsubun
    March Graduation
  • October Admission

    Oct 1October Entrance ceremony, Halloween, Hotel tour, New student exchange party
    November Field Trip, Disaster Prevention Experience
    December Health checkup, Christmas, Winter vacation
    January New Year’s Day
    February Setsubun
    May Extracurricular lessons
    June Barbecue Party
    July Tanabata Festival
    August Summer vacation
    September Graduation Ceremony

Steps to Enrollment

Admission is available twice a year in April and October.
You’ll select and apply for the admission period of your choice.

  • Inquiry and Application

    First, please contact us by phone or e-mail to inquire about enrollment.

  • Submission of Enrollment Documents

    Please send us the necessary documents for application.

  • Screening and Interview

    After receiving the documents, we will examine them and conduct an interview. This will determine whether you will be admitted to the school.

  • Immigration Screening

    We submit the application documents to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau.

  • Decision of COE grant/denial

    After examination by the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, a Certificate of Eligibility will be issued.

  • Payment of School Fees

    Once the Certificate of Eligibility is issued, please pay the school fees. After confirming the payment, we will send you a Letter of Admission and Certificate of Eligibility.

  • Issuance of visa

    Please apply for a visa in your country. After obtaining the visa, you may prepare for your entry into Japan by arranging your airline ticket, etc.

  • Entry into Japan and Entrance into our school

    We will pick you up at the airport in Japan.
    You will start your study in a fully equipped dormitory.

Tuition Fees

One Year Course For Employment
Item Fee (tax included)
Examination fee 22,000 yen
Admission fee 55,000 yen
Tuition fee 726,000 yen
Others 60,000 yen
Total 863,000 yen